In-Home Crisis Services
About In-Home Services
In-Home Services are provided to prevent the out-of-home placement of a child. Our services assist children and families in accomplishing their service plan goals.
Family Preservation
Greater Valley Community Services' purpose is to assist in the rebuilding and empowering of families through a holistic approach of treatment. The In-Home Program works with families to assure the safety of children and to improve the functioning of their family relationships.
Services provided to
Families at risk for abuse/neglect
Families struggling and drug & alcohol or mental health issues
Families with housing or other economic needs
Families of troubled or delinquent youth
Families with medical issues & other needs
Family Reunification
Greater Valley believes that a child remaining with its family of origin is the ideal option for permanency. Assessments and other resources are used to ensure the quality of service and an effective working relationship between staff and families.
Levels of Support
Intensive: high level of risk
Moderate: no immediate risk
Basic: support progress
Our Agency
Greater Valley Community Services has an equipped staff of practitioners who utilize a wide range of expertise from a variety of different milieus of social service. Our staff is trained utilizing the CASSP principles. This training allows for diversity and versatility among staff. We are also selective in matching referrals with our staff experiences, in order to provide the best possible services to meet the family's needs.
Agency Strengths
Mental Health Practitioners
Behavioral Management
Intensive Case Management
Crisis Intervention Techniques
Parent Education
Special Education
Parenting Training
Crisis Stabilizations
24/7 Availability
15-minute response to crisis calls
Crisis Assessment
Flexible staff hours